What a journey! This is the end of the improvement process! STEP EIGHT falls into the ACT or "adjust" phase. This is when we draw conclusions from our data. At this point, we will know if we have finally found the solution to our problem, or not. This is the time to 'Standardize' which means, to establish the new countermeasures as part of the process and keep. This is the time to 'Share Success" also, but beware, if you didn't find the solution, we will have to do this all over again.
STEP EIGHT - Standardize and Share Success

If you’ve encountered success along your problem-solving path, it is time to set the new processes as the new standard within the organization and share them throughout the organization.

This illustration shows a wedge holding the wheel from sliding down. As the PDCA wheel goes up, the wedge is what keeps it from rolling down. Every time we spin the PDCA wheel, we need something to keep all our findings in place. Everything that we learned has to be established.
Now that we are at the end of the 8-step process, it is also a good time to reflect on what you’ve learned and to address any possible unresolved issues or troubles you have along the way. Keep in mind that ignoring unresolved issues will only lead to more problems down the road. So, be ready to spin the PDCA wheel and do it all over again.
Finally, if your organization believes that continuous improvement never stops, it is time to tackle the next problem. Start the problem-solving process over again and continue to work towards perfection. APPLICATION: What if the root cause is "Poor Quality of Raw Materials"?
What would be the new standard that you will make part of the process? Provide two examples of standards.
If the root cause is "Poor Quality of Raw Materials", the two standards I can use would be:
-Making laboratory tests on all the materials used to make the shoes and if the materials do not meet our standards, reject them.
-Having a process manual that explains how to use quality material, to avoid damaging it.
As part of the start of a quality control process, and assuming the root cause is "Poor Quality of Raw Materials", the following plan will be developed:
1. Verify that the raw material, the leather in this story, is processed under all the laboratory tests in a 100% . That is to say that all and each piece of skin or leather must be subjected to all the tests for a period of two weeks until the defects are reduced by a considerable percentage.
2. If any piece of leather has defects, and the defect is recurring, it must be rejected and notified to the supplier. The supplier shall respond and replace the rejected parts.
3. Once the rejection percentages…
The standards for the root cause of poor quality materials can be:
1. Quality control of raw materials: The materials shall be check and tested for every shoe model before been purchase and implemented. The procedure needs to be repeated every period of time to make sure the quality of the shoes always persists.
2. Quality control of the final product: Every pair of shoes shall pass a quality control filter, that checks every detail, even if it takes more time in production in that way the company can ensure quality before quantity.
Since the root cause is "Poor Quality of Raw Materials", the two standards that I would put in place would be: 1. Lab testing : Have a team that ensures the good quality of the purchased materials received, to verify that it meets the safety standards and requirements. Examples: weather, slip resistance, shedding, etc. 2. QC Inspectors: Train a team that is able to evaluate the quality of the end product. Examples: symmetry, odor test, adhesive (for logos).
If the root cause is the "Poor quality of raw materials", I think the new standards that we can make part of the process shall be:
1. Quality standards: It is very important that the quality control checks and list each one of the tests made on the material from which the product is made to guarantee manufacturing quality.
2. Implement a process that allows knowing the resistance and durability of the final product and this way, it will be verified that the raw material complies with specific characteristics to keep the good quality of the product.